Mddle PHP Developer
Active Active Active Active Active Active Active

Solid knowledge of PHP version 7.3 and higher and their features.

  • Experience in Laravel version 7.* and higher.
  • Experience with AngularJS.
  • Experience working with large services.
  • Experience in developing REST API (with documentation).
  • Experience in project documentation management.
  • Understanding the basics of GIT workflow.
  • Ability to work proficiently with MVC pattern.
  • Confident understanding of when Helpers are needed.
  • Confident understanding of MySQL functionality.
  • Ability to create proper table structures.
  • Ability to create complex relationships and queries using Eloquent ORM.
  • Ability to work with Accessors and Mutators.
  • Ability to populate the database with dummy data.
  • Ability to work with events, localization, sessions, notifications, caching, queues, and schedulers.
  • Ability to work with localization (currently in 3 languages).
  • Ability to properly integrate and use third-party services.
Our expectations:

We are looking for a confident and detail-oriented Laravel developer who writes clean code and adheres to the DRY principle. Someone who is not afraid to spend extra time thinking through a problem before writing the code.

It would be a plus if you:

  • Follow a moderate commenting style in your code.
  • Provide comprehensive notifications for system actions (success, info, warning, error...).
  • Adhere to the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle.
  • Maintain clean code.
Working conditions and pleasant advantages:

The project is a school management system, a unified platform that helps improve student performance (including monitoring full information about the student, such as notes, assignments, events, tests, history of teachers and tutors, as well as managing school subjects, tests, goals, and much more).

Part-time (25-35 hours per week), remote work or office.

Various options for employment.

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